Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Child Prodigy: Akiane (Ah-Key-Ah-Nah)

EDIT: I finally figured out how to post videos!

For those of you who have not heard of Akiane, you must watch this video, and visit the website. It's a 12 year old prodigal girl who grew up poor and her parents were athiests, and met Jesus through dreams and visions. Warning: This will make you weep.


Mari said...

Hey Alex, Glad to find your blog and hear your thoughts! I was so intrigued talking to you that day in the car on the way to IHOP with your mom...looking forward to reading more.

Great video! Someone told me about Akiane during a conference, so it was great to see her story.

Unknown said...

That is truly amazing. God is so kind, so merciful. I love the part when she says there are so many more colors in heaven that we don't know about here yet.