Monday, April 30, 2007

half empty or half full?

who hasn't thought about this question in at least one particular situation in life? or lets just say life in general. maybe not using this exact phrase, but we all think about our future and we either have a positive, hopeful attitude about it.. or we have a discouraged, and downtrodden outlook. The Lord brought this phrase to my attention earlier today and i keep on thinking about it. Ive decided to embrace the fact that the bottle is both half empty and half full.

I mean, really. theres so much i have, and there is SO much to be thankful for. Not only do i have countless blessings in my life..a family that supports what i want to do with my life, even though it goes against everything America tells me will make me financially secure, friends who i can pursue the Lord with like-minds and like-spirits, a nice bed to sleep in at night, and a very comfy one at that..i dont even need it, but its been given to me. But i also have been honored with the greatest spiritual blessings offered by choosing Jesus as Lord over my life. I am a daughter of the most High King and HE desires my beauty (Psalm 45:11). I have been seated in heavenly places with Jesus, even though i was dead in my sins, but now i am alive in Christ! (Eph. 2:6) I am a co-heir with Christ and a child of God (Romans 8:16-17). though my righteousness was like a filthy rag the LORD redeemed me, because He LOVED me and made me all of these things. What more could I ask for, I am SO BLESSED!

I also must choose to see the part of the glass that is half empty as well. There is a world that is desperatly in need of Jesus and His leadership and some dont even know that He is our only hope of this earth ever functioning properly again. There are children in the wombs of mothers that are being neglected and denied the right to life, millions a year. Innocent people all over the world are being forcefully sold into all types of slavery and labor. I live in a nation that has turned their backs on God and are living in blatant sin.

Rather than allowing these things to discourage me, I am strengthened by the promise that the LORD has bound Himself to in His word. He has promised that He will make all things new, and that He will take away all death, and pain and sorrow. (Rev 21:4-5) Although many of these things will have an end through our intercession and help..the only thing that will set us completely free is the return of Jesus Christ to this earth and His humble leadership.

well, i guess i cant say i really see the half empty part of the bottle because even in that there is still hope. And that, my friends, is the beauty of the Lord!ohhhhhh.....He is good!


Alex Charles said...

lalalahhhh!! admiration! i admire you for LIVING in the act of yourself, being yourself .. this passege, or message rather, states a lot about who you are.. Although I do see how you could see a glass half empty, a glass is always half full to me.. there is always room for more, more for the part of the word that does not have anything. My thoughts turn towards the people that are very less fortunate - Do they see the GLASS half full ?? Hopefully they do, because having faith in God is only beleiving that there is hope in everything and that everything isn't everything. Everything is what fills ones' heart with all one soul needs to live.. Everything to the half EMPTY glass is everything that can be and is taken for granted.. When what we have in life, is life, when what society gives us in our lives', is material, and material never made anyone beleive that glass was half full, material only makes one beleive that the glass may be almost empty, as they can only see the light when material items are placed in hand.. I HOPE THIS MAKES SENSE. hmm. I was eating the other day, and my parents were watching, I guess the Disc. Channel and it was something on Paris and a couple traveling around touring and whatnot.. And so they are sitting in a like 5 star restaurant and they are sharing this palm size piece of dessert, which cost, mind us, probably around 500 dollars !!. so im sitting there in disgust as I eat my food, and think to myself, "of what i just cooked, I could have cooked a thousand times with what they just devoured!! soo many mouths go empty in this world and so SO SOO very few people take heart...

what you wrote is quite Admirable Alex.


adam james hanly said...

well, it is half full...

but it's also half empty...

but the right thing to say is half full...

the humble thing is to say it is half full...

but it should be full... :)


Livergood said...

Alex, I miss you, I don't have anything deep to say about this because you pretty much said it all. But I love you, and your mind!
